Avoid These 6 Furnishing Fails: Common Mistakes in Short-Term Rental Decor

Avoid These 6 Furnishing Fails: Common Mistakes in Short-Term Rental Decor

This is the second article from our short-term rental design series. We’ve consulted several professional STR designers in the Minoan community to give hosts the best design advice from their experiences. Their expertise is invaluable to both new and seasoned hosts, and you'll see their projects highlighted throughout this series.

Learning from your own mistakes can be extremely valuable, but what about learning from other's mistakes so you can avoid unnecessary stress? Short-term rental host, interior designer, and friend of Minoan, Kaylee Smith, has lived and learned through it all.

There are many learning curves that are inevitably part of the vacation rental industry. We’re here to share Kaylee’s expertise on some of the most common mistakes that new hosts may make while furnishing their properties and how big mistakes can be avoided.

Common Mistake #1:
Thinking simple furnishing is enough

The vacation rental market is highly competitive, with countless options available to travelers. Simple furnishings may not stand out or attract potential guests when compared to other properties with more appealing decor and amenities. Vacation rentals are meant to provide a home-away-from-home experience, so simple furnishing will not impress guests who are looking to escape!

Credit: Somerled Designs
Kaylee’s pro tip: Simple furnishings are easy and generally very inexpensive, therefore, they are incredibly common in the STR world. But with more and more competition coming on the market every day, your STR needs to be interesting and eye-catching to get booked.

Common Mistake #2: Designing for your own tastes
The primary goal of a vacation rental host is to generate income. If you design your property according to your personal tastes without considering what will attract and satisfy guests, you may struggle to command competitive rental rates and achieve high occupancy levels. This can result in lower rental income and reduced profits.

If your property is in a location that is a popular destination for family vacations, you’ll want to design it much differently than you would a property that caters toward bachelorette parties or romantic getaways.

Credit: Hayes and Co.
Kaylee’s pro tip: I see many new hosts asking about designing for their own style. I understand this desire, but the current STR market demands design that is interesting and made for the guests it will be hosting. You can certainly incorporate your style, but your guests and your market need to be prioritized in the design process.

Common Mistake #3:
Overcrowding the space

Crowded spaces can feel cramped and uncomfortable for guests. When there's an excess of furniture, it can limit the available floor space, making it challenging for guests to move around freely. This can impede their overall comfort and enjoyment during their stay. Vacation rentals often host guests with varying needs and group sizes. Having a more versatile and spacious layout allows you to accommodate different guest configurations and preferences more easily.

Credit: Down By the Bay Cape May
Kaylee’s pro tip: Guests need space to live however they'd like in your vacation rental, so be sure to leave them plenty of space to do so!

Common Mistake #4:
Choosing low-quality furnishings

Guests are willing to pay more for properties with high-quality, well-maintained furnishings. Selecting low-quality furnishings can limit your property's rental potential and the rates you can charge. Low-quality furnishings like uncomfortable beds, sagging sofas, or wobbly chairs can result in guest complaints and negative reviews, which can harm your property’s reputation and future bookings.

Credit: DB Dens
Kaylee’s pro tip: Great design and furnishings not only catch the attention of potential guests, but also determine the experience they have in the space. Design – with or without the host's understanding – directly correlates to bookings and reviews. An average home may get booked and it may get good reviews, but a beautiful and thoughtfully designed home will get more bookings and great reviews!

Common Mistake #5:
Using secondhand or hand-me-down items that don’t coordinate

Secondhand pieces can make the space feel disjointed, be worn out, or have durability issues. Inexperienced hosts with tight budgets may think this is a cost-saving route, but compromising on quality can result in frequent replacements and increased long-term expenses.

Credit: Brianna Michele Interiors
Kaylee’s pro tip: Utilizing secondhand items can be very tricky. The pieces should feel exciting or interesting while coordinating with the overall design plan for the property. They also need to be comfortable and sturdy (not in disrepair). When done right, it is a skill that takes time and intentionality to develop. The sourcing process is also time-consuming. I advise hosts without design experience to steer clear of secondhand because it can go wrong very easily and negatively impact the feeling the property conveys.

Common Mistake #6: Not viewing design as a part of the investment
Consistent design elements and a unique aesthetic can make your rental more memorable and recognizable to guests and can help establish a distinct brand identity for your property.

A thoughtfully decorated and visually appealing space can set your property apart from competitors and increase its marketability. Travelers often choose accommodations based on photos and aesthetics, so investing in design upfront can lead to higher occupancy rates.

Credit: Little Cove A Frame
Kaylee’s pro tip: Design needs to be viewed as part of the initial and ongoing investment. There are plenty of homes with great views, spacious rooms, and other great amenities – there are not as many homes with fantastic and unique design.

If you’re a vacation rental host who is focused on making your property a revenue-generating success, utilizing resources from Minoan can help you get through the growing pains! Check out the rest of our blog where we share insights on all things short-term rental industry, highlight hosts and their homes, and recommend products for your properties!

If you’re not yet a Minoan member, join today and save money on unique design pieces to make your property stand out, like art, lighting, rugs, furniture, and everything in between!